Fix Android Studio AVD freezing at launch in Arch Linux

Fix Android Studio AVD freezing at launch in Arch Linux


I created a new AVD with the following specs + the default hardware options:

  • Device: Pixel 2
  • Android Version: 9.0 x86
  • API: 28
  • Resolution: 1080 x 1920 xxhdpi

But it always got stuck on the Google logo every time I launched it, and I realized that these logs, and others similar to them, appeared on the Android Studio welcome screen.

Android Studio AVD launch errors
Emulator: E0603 13:40:05.624344573 25762] check for SO_REUSEPORT: {"created":"@1591209605.624292177","description":"SO_REUSEPORT unavailable on compiling system","file":"/mnt/tmpfs/src/android/emu-master-dev/external/grpc/src/core/lib/iomgr/","file_line":169}
Emulator: qemu-system-x86_64: warning: TSC frequency mismatch between VM (4006952 kHz) and host (4006953 kHz), and TSC scaling unavailable


So in order to fix this, I just disabled the Camera by switching the option from Emulated to None and that was all.